A Digital Technologies Resource
Welcome Teachers
Unit Purpose
This is a Digital Technologies resource that is intended for a grade 2 class. It is advisable to teach this unit over 6 x 60 minute lessons.
There is an option to have a term-long (10-11 week) focus with this unit that would teach and assess both Digital Technologies and the Design Technologies strand from the curriculum.
Please follow the link within the unit plan to access this additional resource.
Please note that these are also stand-alone resources.
The unit is planned around the following Content Descriptions and Elaborations:
ACARA Digital Technologies Content Descriptions:
Explore the characteristics and properties of materials and components that are used to produce designed solutions (ACTDEK004)
Explore needs or opportunities for designing, and the technologies needed to realise designed solutions (ACTDEP005) (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2016).
ACARA English Content Description:
Construct texts featuring print, visual and audio elements using software, including word processing programs (ACELY1674)
Student Learning Outcomes to be assessed
Students will be able to:
Locate aspects in current school uniform design that should be changed
Justify why aspects of school uniform need changing
Select at least 2 materials for the new uniform based on design requirements
Evaluate selected materials on their sustainability, longevity and suitability
Identify what resources they would need to create their school uniforms (eg sewing machines, thread, material, buttons, zips etc)
Create a simple diagram explaining design elements of their new school uniform
Present information to the class in a way that is organized and justifies their design for new school uniform